Testimonials 2018
I DAVID JENNIFER CHINUMEZIE, wish to use this medium to say a very big thank you to Steph Charity Foundation for their assistance in the registration of my WAEC and JAMB examination. I pray that the almighty God will reward every member of Steph Foundation and the foundation at large thanks
Warm greetings to you sir, I want to sincerely show my deepest appreciation to you for paying for my school feez.. God continue to bless and prosper you greatly. Thank you so much sir
Miracle Fekala23rd January, 2018
DEAR SIR, Good day sir, I am writing to thank you for your kind contribution towards the payment of my final year (400level) fees. I was very excited when my account got credited with the funds to pay my fees, I will like to express my gratitude. I am Miss Okobi Pamela Chukwufunanya a student at the University of Port Harcourt, Faculty of Humanities, Department of English studies, I was delighted to receive your assistance, as it has greatly helped towards meeting the deadline of the payment of my school fees (i.e.)-TUITION fee-#45000 and SURCHARGE fee-#5000 which was made mandatory by the school administration. The payment of my fees has helped in averting the repetition of a session in the University of Port Harcourt as this is the new policy; believe me this policy has really affected lots of students. Your help has made a crucial difference to my stay in school and I will forever be grateful for your generosity. Thanks a million times, I will not disappoint.
Okobi Pamela C.
23rd, January, 2018
A LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO STEPH FOUNDATION Calvary greetings in the name of GodWe the parents of the triplets Mr. and Mrs. Ekabua, Ubi Obi humbly wish to use this medium to sincerely appreciate Steph Foundation for their love, passion, care and assistance of N50,000 for the accommodation of the triplets.Silver and gold we do not have but sincerely thanking you for coming to our aid and reducing the burden of providing for their warefare and housing needs. It is our prayers that God Almighty will replenish and reward Steph Foundation for their donation and contribution. May God also bring donors and contributors to your foundation. Please accept our sincere appreciation. Thanks and God Bless you.
Mr. and Mrs. Ekabua, Ubi Obi20th January 2018